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One Room Challenge Week 2: Finalizing Designs

It's week 2 of the Fall 2021 One Room Challenge! I am loving seeing everyone's incredible designs and initial projects, such an exciting time! This week I finally hammered down a design plan and mood boards for the bedroom and the main open office/den space. Even though these spaces are on the same floor, I wanted to go in a different direction for each. The bedroom design I have had in my head for over a year, so that was easy to pull together with bedding, a rug, furniture and additional accessories. But the office/den space I really struggled with because I wanted it to be a bit more moody with a darker "California Casual" vibe. Feeling happy with both after many tweaks and am really looking forward to seeing them come to life!

This week we'll be ordering all of our materials and will be working on finishing the herringbone floor in the bedroom part of the 3rd floor. After that we'll either start working on the vertical shiplap in the stairwell or installing the baseboards throughout (weather permitting since I want to cut outside in the driveway). I'll be finishing the flooring install myself and am a bit concerned with the cuts that need to be made when you reach the walls or need to create little triangle pieces, but I hope that with a little trial & error I'll be able to figure it out without having to bring in little bro Chase for an assist.

Come back next week to check-in on the progress! Check out our week 1 post to see our full project list and the current state of the attic. For more updates throughout the week be sure to follow along on Instagram and don’t forget to check out the progress of each of the Featured Designers and Guest Participants!


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